An Unexpected Connection

On Saturday, Mom and Lyn attended the matinee performance of Mary Poppins at their local theatre. It was three hours and Lyn enjoyed it tremendously.  Mom said it was past midnight last night before she got "Supercalifragilistic" out of her head.  Lyn felt the actress who portrayed the titular character was very good.

While there, they encountered a family they have long known.  The two girls, Lyn and the other family's daughter, had gone to school together.  The mother is older than Mom and her health is not good.  It appears the sister has stepped in to provide additional support now that the father has passed.  When the mother commented that her husband had passed late last year, Mom extended her condolences.  Lyn paused for a moment before blurting out his name.  It wasn't a question, asking for confirmation.  It was a statement of fact.  Both mothers were stunned.  Not only was Lyn right, she had recalled a piece of information which had been of passing note from more than 30 years before.

We can never explain these moments when certain neurons fire and she recalls something from her deep past.  We recognize that more and more, all she has is her deep past.  Things that made her angry last week are long gone this week.


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