SIS 2016 Reschedule

The SIS review for Lyn was originally scheduled to happen this Thursday.  The person who will conduct the re-evaluation only needs to meet Lyn for a few minutes.  Lyn will be picked up by her Community Access staff a few minutes after the start of the session so that she can go enjoy herself without sitting through the session.  The evaluator wants to speak with individuals on Lyn's team who have known her for at least 3 months.  Lyn's case manager is not available and so they have decided to reschedule to early August.

I'm actually very happy they have rescheduled.  There was no way for me to participate this Thursday because I have to visit one of my clients.  However, I happen to have scheduled a day off that coincides with the reschedule date.  I've offered to participate via Skype.

I cannot imagine how difficult this whole process would be without the available technology that we use.  It has been a while since I've been able to participate in one of Lyn's meetings and I hope the evaluator is open to me being in the room virtually.


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