In the Air

On Saturday, an event was being held at the balloon field on the edge of town.  Lyn and her respite provider decided to go check out the activities.  When they arrived they found several balloons were inflated and tethered.

Lyn was very excited to be up close to the balloon.  The balloon is named "Twist of Fate" and has been piloted by Steve Coffing for years.  I don't normally name folks here, but the balloon is easily recognized and pilots' names are routinely published along with the names of their balloons.  For those of you unfamiliar with ballooning, the balloons are given names much like you name a boat.  Some balloons can be quite famous such as the Double Eagle II, the first balloon to cross the Atlantic Ocean.  (I'll gladly admit that I squealed when I saw the gondola of the Double Eagle II at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum near my home in Virginia. I digress...)

The balloons were tethered and the pilots were giving visitors quick lift up and back down.  Lyn, of course, was game to climb aboard.

She's been in balloons many times over the years and has no hesitation about climbing in or lifting off.  That's what you do, after all!  

And off she went...



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